duminică, octombrie 26, 2008

Autism Spectrum Disorder Explained

Autism spectrum disorder is a diverse developmental disorder that can be found in about 1 in 150 of our children. People that are suffering from this disorder have problems with social interaction and communicating verbally as well as non verbally. Although this is not always the case, you will generally know if your child has this disorder before they reach their third birthday. The only developmental disability that is more common is mental retardation. More children suffer from ASD than cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, and cancer combined. As far as we know family income, race, education levels, and ethnicity are not a factor in whether or not your child will develop this disorder.

ASD is Described as a spectrum disorder due to the fact that the symptoms show up in many different combinations and can be either mildly or severely disabling. While we do not know what causes ASD, we do know that males are 4 to 5 times more likely to be afflicted with the disorder. Unfortunately, children that suffer from autism have a very difficult time making and sustaining friendships and spend a majority of their time isolated from others.

Routines become very important to these children and if the pattern that has been set for them is interrupted you may have to deal with a severe outburst. And while these are some of the main characteristics of this disorder, not all children with autism will react to the same situation in the same way.

There are certain drugs, special diets, and various other treatments that researchers have discovered that can be a tremendous help to those that suffer from autism spectrum disorder. Parents of children that suffer from this disorder may become very frustrated while trying to find the proper treatment for their child.

The symptoms of ASD are very diverse and usually not very well defined. All of this combined usually sends parents to seek out many different specialists in different fields. A short checklist for parents may include a delay in language skills development, unusually repetitive behavior, and a lack of social interaction. Of course, the best thing that you can do is to present your concerns to your doctor or consult a psychotherapist directly, as soon as you possibly can

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